Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Cumin Indian Restaurant

I went to this restaurant on July 8th with friends from the conference.  This was my first experience at an Indian Restaurant.  The food was awesome and it was served buffet style.  This place is great, good food and a good time.

Cumin Indian Restaurant
1025 Polaris Pkwy
Columbus, OH 43240        
(614) 854-0775

Friday, November 13, 2015

Jerry Seinfeld Live (15)

9:30 PM
Jerry Seinfeld
Hershey Theatre

Well, Well, this guy backs up his reputation, it was so funny, amazing show.  If he's in your area, its worth the cost.  His opening act Chuck Martin was also funny.


Monday, October 26, 2015


This post has nothing to do with the rock band, that has the same name.

I went to this small place on July 8, the place has a unique feel.  The service was good and the food was awesome.  I ordered the urban breakfast which was basically a breakfast version of a meat pie, tasted awesome.  The waitress was nice.  I would say that this was the best breakfast I had while I was in Columbus Ohio.

410 E Whittier St
Columbus, OH 43206
(614) 443-2266

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ralphie May Live (15)

October 18, 2015

I have never been to show where the theatre was so empty.  I would say the place was a quarter filled.  I have to be honest I wasn't expecting may to be so dirty, I'm glad I didn't waste my money on expensive tickets.  What a waste of time and money. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oxhead Tavern

I was researching restaurants in Sturbridge during the time period (July 3-5), that I would be in the region for a relatives wedding.  This place wasn't at the top of the list.  The top two were B.T. Smokehouse and Sturbridge Seafood.  I went to the seafood restaurant but I could never find the smokehouse.  Since I didn't have my car I was limited to restaurants that were in walking distance.

I had to find some place to eat on July 4th since the wedding was in the evening.  So I walked down the main drag and noticed that hardly any place was open so against my better judgment I decided to go to this restaurant even though the reviews on yelp were mixed.

I walked into Oxhead and thought this is interesting.  I looked at the menu once I sat down and ordered the chicken pot pie, it came with green beans.  The food took forever and the waitress seemed to be only interested in hanging out at the bar so she could talk to the other employees.  When the food came out, I was hoping it would taste good.  What I got instead was a pot pie with dry chicken and a lousy crust.  The green beans were over salted. 

If I was in the region would I come back to this place? Nope.

Oxhead Tavern
366 Main St
Sturbridge, MA 01566
(508) 347-7393      

Monday, September 21, 2015

Slabadabado Food Truck

I walked out of the church, that held the conference.  Then, I crossed the grass and purchased food from this food truck.  The food included brisket, mac & cheese, and collard greens.  The brisket tasted awesome; the mac and cheese tasted great.  I didn't enjoy the collard greens - the aftertaste wasn't pleasant.

parks in Columbus Ohio region

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Publick House Tavern

My cousin had a pre-wedding bash at the venue's tavern.  When I got their I was hungry.  So I ordered a hamburger with fries, it came with coleslaw.  The food was good and the alcohol was even tastier.  When it came to service the waitress was helpful but it seemed to me that the bartenders were annoyed with a lot of the party-goers.  I don't know if this was because my cousin was a head of a national fraternity and a lot of his brothers were at the party.  If that's the case its unfortunate because the couple hours I was there they acted fine, not like the stereotypical hooligans who make the news.

Ps. I appreciated that I was invited.
July 3rd

Publick House
277 Main St
Sturbridge, MA 01566
(508) 347-3313    

blog fan page

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cilantro Latin Grill

I decided to stop at this restaurant in Wheeling (WV), on my way home from Columbus Ohio.

When I arrived I noticed the logo of the restaurant... looked cool.  I also noticed the limited parking.

When it comes to the style of Latin food.  I'm not sure since their wasn't a menu at least that's what the girl told me.  This annoyed me  because of that,  I ordered a burrito.  The girl who served me was pleasant.  I decided not to eat at the restaurant because I wanted to drive home.  So I had my dinner at the I-70 welcome center in Claysville (PA).  The burrito tasted awesome and the wood bench I sat at was nice, it was peaceful outside.

Cilantro Latin Grill
56 Carmel Rd
Wheeling, WV 26003

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jim Gaffigan Live

Giant Center
8 PM
July 10

The positives
- The opening comedian was funny.
- Gaffigan's set was awesome

The negatives
- The show didn't start until 8:20-8:30 and ended at 9:44.  That means that the opener took 15-25 minutes of the time.  I'm use to comedians not starting on time its not a big deal unless their set is short as was the case in this instance.
- Gaffigan's set for a touring comedian, in my opinion was way to short.
- I'm glad I only spent $52 on the ticket because I would have been really mad if I wouldn't have bought the cheapest ticket they had for the first (negative) reason.

other stuff
- Parking was $15.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

DK Diner

July 11th

My last day in the Columbus Ohio Region before I took the long ass drive back to Pennsylvania. I had chosen a bunch of diners to eat breakfast at since the Sheraton I stayed at in Columbus didn't include breakfast.

So I drove to DK Diner.  I thought the place looked cool with the lights on the patio.  So I put my name on the list and waited for a seat.  I sat out in the patio, the hostess was nice.

I ordered an omelet with bacon and cheese and fried potatoes, sounded good.  What I got was a big piece of egg folded over bacon and cheese.  They didn't bother to cut the bacon and gave me a butter knife to cut the bacon.  Thanks a lot.  Call me crazy but I thought an omelet had the ingredients in the actual omelet.  I liked the potatoes.

The diner had a unique feature in that the drinks were self serve. I got my first drink before my meal came to my small table.  When I was half-way through my meal I went to fill my drink.  When I came back my food was gone.  I saw a waitress and asked, "where's my food."  She said with a twinkle in her eye, that the my waitress had thought I was done with my food.  Thanks for asking if I was finished.  She yelled her name, she realized her mistake but still threw out my food, afterwards she came up to me to apologize and offered to have another omelet made but since I thought the omelet was lousy I declined.  Plus I was going to the Columbus Zoo after this and didn't feel like staying in an awkward situation.  So I told her I would take toast.  When she gave it to me I waited until she went inside the diner to leave since I didn't want to make a scene.  I thought the place had a cool vibe until this happened.

if you want the address, do a search on yelp.

ps. I should mention that I didn't have to pay the bill.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

reading phillies game and shopping

I went to see the Reading Phillies on May 6.  The game started at 11 am and it was education day, their were a bunch of little kids at the game.  Overall, the game was boring.  The Phillies lost.  I have one simple question, what does an ostrich have to do with Reading Pennsylvania?  I don't get it.  For your information, that bird is on one of their logos.  I guess every other bird said, ahh we'll pass on that offer.

I stopped at the pike café after the game.

I went shopping in Reading on May 8 at VF Factory Outlets with my grandfather and mother.  I got two shirts and a belt.

nautica T-Shirt


Saturday, June 6, 2015

the pike cafe

I went to this restaurant after a Reading Phillies game.  I thought one of the cool features is the parking lot, you have to see it.

The menu was big.  I chose chicken florentine which was chicken in a white sauce with spinach on top.  Fries also came with the meal, they tasted good, so did the chicken.  The one item I didn't like was the salad, I didn't like the kind of lettuce they used.  Overall a good place to eat.

the pike café
930 Pike St
Reading, PA 19604    
(610) 373-6616

Monday, May 18, 2015

the Iron Rooster

I spent a dollar for parking for half an hour - a little excessive to me.  Thanks Annapolis!  I found the whole parking system confusing and I had no idea how much I paid until I got my bank statement.  Thanks Annapolis!  If you sense sarcasm, in this paragraph your a genius.

The Iron Rooster is on the street with the name market space.  This street is filled with different restaurants.

When I went into the restaurant, the guy at the entrance was polite.  He directed me to the seating.  This place is long and narrow.

The waitress was nice and the menu had an interesting selection.

I picked the turkey burger with the pasta salad.  Now a description of the burger from their menu. "house ground turkey breast with herbs and poultry spice / goat cheese / raspberry preserves / baby arugula / garlic aioli" Let the drooling commence.  The raspberry made this burger taste awesome.  I also picked the pasta salad and my view of it isn't so rosy.  The salad in my humble opinion - its important to be humble, hint, hint - had an off taste to it, seemed like they put to much vinegar in it or somethin' I didn't like it, plus it was small.

If your in the d.c. metro area I suggest you check it out and avoid the pasta salad because I heard that if you eat to much of it.  You turn into a monster, and end up on the x-files.  If your hearing the eerie music your not alone!

The Iron Rooster
12 Market Space, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 990-1600

Thursday, May 7, 2015

birthday bash

I went to a birthday party in York to celebrate my niece's birthday.  Fun times.  My niece turned 2, she loves bubbles!

The drive to York and the drive home were nice.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Boulevard Diner (dundalk)

I stopped here in the evening after doing some stuff in d.c.  You can read about it here.  This diner is located in dundalk which is in the Baltimore Maryland metro area.

This diner has a huge menu.  I choose the half-rack of ribs for $12.75, that's not a typo.  Can you say cheap?  The ribs were awesome.  The sides were puny, (fries & corn) I guess they have to save money somehow.  The waitress was nice.  Overall this place has a cool vibe, so if your ever in the Baltimore area check this place out.

1660 Merritt Boulevard
Dundalk, Maryland 21222
(410) 285-8660

ps.  this restaurant was on triple d.

I will come back here and update this post some day.

Boulevard Diner Dundalk Maryland

Monday, April 13, 2015

russian restaurant in nyc

repost (1/3/13)

it was a spring break in college I was in new york working with some people from my college helping out cef.  During the one day we went to a russian restaurant where all the menu's were in russian.  The one student with us was from moldova so she translated everything, i do not remember the name of the dish but it tasted awesome.  The atmosphere reminded me of a couple different scenes in the godfather films.

the end

Monday, March 23, 2015

claymont steak shop

The day was march 21 and it was supper time.  I was at a conference with nobody around and I was hungry.  So I went down the list of restaurants they provided and picked this one out.

The restaurant was Claymont Steak Shop in Newark Delaware.  The drive was under ten minutes.  This spot is close to the University of Delaware.  When I walked in, the first thing I noticed was the wall at the end of the restaurant which has a picture of their college football team.  When I ordered my cheesesteak the staff was polite.

I didn't' stay at the steak shop.  I drove back to the conference. 

The cheesesteak was tasty.  The one surprise was when I normally get onions in cheesesteaks it usually hinders the quality.  This time it raised the bar, finally a place that doesn't use onions as filler for a cheese steak.  The cheese steak was awesome.

57 elkton road
Newark Delaware 19711


Monday, March 16, 2015

my first experience with jerk

The title refers to my first experience with jerk chicken.  tasty.  What is made in America well, I've never bothered to try jerk chicken in America but I suspect that its rare to find the quality in America that we got from a roadside stand in Jamaica.

chow America.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

january d.c. trip

I went to Washington D.C on January 30th here are my thoughts on that trip.

The drive to d.c. was one on which I couldn’t make up my mind because I had two restaurants in Maryland picked out and I kept switching my mind on that or whether I was just going to drive to the national zoo.  I was going to go to the boulevard diner in Dundalk Maryland which is really close to Baltimore Maryland. Then it was the iron rooster a restaurant in Annapolis Maryland.  I ended up driving to the Iron Rooster for lunch because I missed the turn for the exit to go to the diner.  I will write about each restaurant in separate posts.  I went to the diner for supper.

When I left the Iron Rooster in Annapolis, I decided to drive to the national zoo. In addition, I got gas before I left the city limits. 

The drive to the zoo was nice.  Driving in Washington was interesting.

When I got to the zoo (1pm) I parked in a parking lot, near the zoo and walked to the information.  I purchased a map for 3 dollars, seemed a little excessive to me.

The wind seemed to enjoy blowing as hard as possible.  I guess freezing my ass off in January at a free zoo seemed like the brilliant thing to do at the time.  A lot of the animals were outside the other ones were hiding.  I guess they were the smart ones.  I eventually decided to leave because I had no clue when the holocaust museum closed.  When I got to the zoo I decided to leave around 3pm.  So I walked around for over 40 minutes trying to find my car.  Paranoia is fun when your in an unfamiliar city.  When I got to my car I found out that it cost $22 to park at the zoo which seemed really excessive to me... free zoo... liar, liar, pants on fire.

When I left the zoo I drove to the holocaust museum and found free parking.  The museum is on the edge of the national mall.

This museum is powerful.  I remembered it from my senior trip in high school, so I decided years later to come back.  I don’t regret it one bit.  If you have never been there go to it.  When I was leaving I bought a book – the hiding place.

When I was driving home, I discovered that my gps system was really out of date and I think it’s one big reason why it took so long to get home.  I also got stuck behind an accident on the one freeway out of Washington dc.  I went maybe half a mile in a ninty minutes. 

I eventually made the turn for the Boulevard Diner which was on diners, drive-ins and dives – great show.  Yummy, yummy in my tummy…

I didin’t like the rest of the drive home because who likes a one lane highway?  I didn’t bother to try to get on a freeway.

When I got home I was exhausted.

Until next time America