Saturday, February 28, 2015

january d.c. trip

I went to Washington D.C on January 30th here are my thoughts on that trip.

The drive to d.c. was one on which I couldn’t make up my mind because I had two restaurants in Maryland picked out and I kept switching my mind on that or whether I was just going to drive to the national zoo.  I was going to go to the boulevard diner in Dundalk Maryland which is really close to Baltimore Maryland. Then it was the iron rooster a restaurant in Annapolis Maryland.  I ended up driving to the Iron Rooster for lunch because I missed the turn for the exit to go to the diner.  I will write about each restaurant in separate posts.  I went to the diner for supper.

When I left the Iron Rooster in Annapolis, I decided to drive to the national zoo. In addition, I got gas before I left the city limits. 

The drive to the zoo was nice.  Driving in Washington was interesting.

When I got to the zoo (1pm) I parked in a parking lot, near the zoo and walked to the information.  I purchased a map for 3 dollars, seemed a little excessive to me.

The wind seemed to enjoy blowing as hard as possible.  I guess freezing my ass off in January at a free zoo seemed like the brilliant thing to do at the time.  A lot of the animals were outside the other ones were hiding.  I guess they were the smart ones.  I eventually decided to leave because I had no clue when the holocaust museum closed.  When I got to the zoo I decided to leave around 3pm.  So I walked around for over 40 minutes trying to find my car.  Paranoia is fun when your in an unfamiliar city.  When I got to my car I found out that it cost $22 to park at the zoo which seemed really excessive to me... free zoo... liar, liar, pants on fire.

When I left the zoo I drove to the holocaust museum and found free parking.  The museum is on the edge of the national mall.

This museum is powerful.  I remembered it from my senior trip in high school, so I decided years later to come back.  I don’t regret it one bit.  If you have never been there go to it.  When I was leaving I bought a book – the hiding place.

When I was driving home, I discovered that my gps system was really out of date and I think it’s one big reason why it took so long to get home.  I also got stuck behind an accident on the one freeway out of Washington dc.  I went maybe half a mile in a ninty minutes. 

I eventually made the turn for the Boulevard Diner which was on diners, drive-ins and dives – great show.  Yummy, yummy in my tummy…

I didin’t like the rest of the drive home because who likes a one lane highway?  I didn’t bother to try to get on a freeway.

When I got home I was exhausted.

Until next time America